Inspect Your Pipes to Prevent Pipe Bursting
During winters in Columbia, temperatures are known to drop drastically and unpredictably. This sudden lowering of temperature can cause damage to your home’s plumbing system and lead to pipe bursts. With a thorough pipe inspection, you can prevent accidents and injuries in your home during the winter.
Why do pipes burst during the winter?
If your home’s piping is not protected properly, it could freeze and develop cracks over time. Owing to icy draughts that circulate around the home, pipes are more prone to water freezing around them. This water could then expand inside the pipes, leading to an increase in pressure between the blockage and the faucet. Without a pipe inspection, this could lead to excessive pressure on the pipe and finally cause a burst.
Preventing pipe bursts in your home
One of the best ways to prevent pipe bursts in your Columbia home is to insulate the loft as well as water tanks. You can wrap them in foam and other insulating materials easily found in home improvement stores. You can also install automated boilers that switch on after the atmosphere reaches a specified minimum temperature. If you are going away during the winter, you’re your heater on a low setting to ensure that your pipes are safe from the biting cold.
Perform regular pipe inspection checks to ensure that they are free of cracks and water-logged icicles. Maintain drainpipes and clean them regularly to prevent any accumulation of water that will eventually freeze and develop cracks in your pipes. If your home’s pipes have already frozen, it is best to seek professional assistance.